Mining Beneficiation Plants

Hematite Pre and Fine Beneficiation Plants

Hematite ore is conventionally processed by just crushing and followed by classification via screenings by particular sizes to gain lump product. However, hematite ore (both bigger sizes and micronized) could be beneficiated via high intesity magnetic separators and also gravitational separators by benefication solutions provided by BAS.

Within the BAS scope of hematite beneficiation facilities, high-mid grade and different size particulars could be gained. Within these facilites following activities occur;

Main crushing and screening
Pre-beneficiation with high intensity magnetic separator
Classification based on grain size and density
Pulp density preparation
High intensity magnetic separation (if different solutions are needed, which are not gravitational)
Dewatering and filtration
Obtaining final product and tails
In the end, Hematite ore is obtained in different grain sizes and grades with industrially acknowledged steps. BAS turn-key plants offer world-class products which are to be utilized safely in iron and steel factories.
